🚀 storefront.dev is here: your AI-powered storefront developer for Shopify.

Built for Shopify, powered by Hydrogen


Unlock your Hydrogen storefront, sync products, and edit metaobjects with support for Remix and Oxygen.


Pack + Shopify

Unlock the full potenial of your Shopify store.

Pack is purpose-built to help you tap into the power of Shopify's most cutting-edge tech. Our powerful connector gives you seamless access to:

  • Your product catalog: Pack syncs your product catalog so you can add your products to any shopping experience quickly and easily.

  • Hydrogen: powerful developer tools—including hooks, utilities and frameworks—for building custom headless storefronts.

  • Metaobjects: a content system for storing core content blocks, like ingredients and shipping and returns info.

  • Remix: Shopify's React-based developer framework.

  • Oxygen: Shopify-backed web hosting—so you never have to worry about reliability.

With Pack's powerful visual editing tools, anyone can create and edit landing pages, blog posts and articles without needing to rely on a developer.

Best of all, it's easy to set up your Pack x Shopify integration. In 10-30 minutes, developers can spin up a Hydrogen storefront and connect it to Pack so you can start building fast.