Packathon: the first-ever Hydrogen Hackathon for Shopify developers + UX designers

We’re excited to kick off an async, virtual Hydrogen Hackathon—which we’re lovingly referring to as Packathon—from July 12th - 22nd.

Cory Cummings

Packathon: the first-ever Hydrogen Hackathon for Shopify developers + UX designers

We’re going all out—awarding thousands of dollars in cash prizes and a bunch of cool Easter egg gift cards.

This is the perfect excuse to build something that:

  • Wouldn’t be possible or would be really hard to do on a traditional Shopify theme

  • Will make it easier than ever for brands to take advantage of Hydrogen

  • Will take online shopping to the next level

The one requirement: It involves Hydrogen in some way.


Key details:

  • You’ll have 10 days to build a new open source project that is built on top of / makes use of Shopify Hydrogen. 

  • Sign up here—we'll get you access to a free Pack sandbox (you aren't required to use it), we'll add you to our Discord channel, and we'll send reminders about the event.

    • Start time: 9am PT on Friday July 12th 2024

    • Submission deadline: 11:59pm PT Monday July 22nd 2024

  • Enter as an individual or as a team of up to 5 people

  • Design / build whatever you want—an integration, a theme, an app, a library, a tool. Anything.


You can compete to win a prize from these categories:

  • Grand Prize (Best overall) - $2k

  • Buy with Prime prize - $1k

  • Best use of Hydrogen - $1k

  • Best use of Pack - $1k

  • Most promising shopping innovation - $500

  • Most technically impressive - $500

  • Most fun / best Easter egg - $250

Get some inspiration

Want some cool inspo / examples? Check out our Notion board.

Submitting your Packathon entry

You can submit your entry via this form before 11:59pm PT on Monday, July 22nd, 2024.


The Pack team and select sponsors will form a panel to judge winners for each category. We’ll be looking for:

  • Creativity/inventiveness

  • Practical application

  • Functions correctly/smoothly

  • Visually pleasing

  • Technically impressive

  • Use of Pack / Hydrogen features

  • FUN! 😃


  • Team size 1-5 (all team members on winning teams will split cash prizes evenly)

  • You cannot be on multiple teams

  • One submission per team

  • All design elements, code, etc. for your project must be created during the event, unless you’re taking advantage of open source code / libraries

  • All entries must be Open Source (link to source code required in entry)

  • Must use Hydrogen in some capacity

  • You must submit before the deadline (no late entries)

  • (optional) Include a link to a demo video along with the submission for extra points

  • Employees of a sponsoring company may participate, but may receive alternate prizes

  • You can win multiple prize categories

  • We're currently limiting participation to designers and developers within the United States. If you have interest in participating and you don't meet this criteria, please reach out @

  • Here's a link to the official rules.


Here are a few resources to get you started:

  1. Hydrogen + Pack 101—video overview

  2. Hydrogen documentation

  3. Pack documentatio

Community help

The Pack Team will be taking part in the Packathon and you'll find us live to build in our Discord all week. Please join us our Discord to build in public in the #packathon channel.

If you need help or advice when building / designing, to find other people to join your team, or if you just want to chill and watch people build, come and join us!

Our sponsors

We're excited to welcome Buy with Prime, Bear Group, Rebuy, Akantro, Spacebox Digital and as official sponsors!

Launch week

Each day of the Packathon we’ll be highlighting / launching new Pack features in an interactive, live-stream demo. Excited to get your feedback on all of the features and functionality we’ve built.

Additional Info

Any intellectual property developed during the hackathon will belong to the team that developed it. We expect that each team will have an agreement between themselves regarding the IP, but this is not required.

By making a submission you grant Pack permission to use screenshots, code snippets, and/or links to your project or content of your README on our Twitter, blog, website, email updates, and in the Pack discord server. Pack does not make any claims over your IP.

Pack reserves the right to make changes or updates to the rules of the competition as they see fit.