It's time to uncover the truth about Hydrogen—with Pack.
Meet with Pack's Hydrogen experts to separate the lies from the facts—you're closer to a Hydrogen storefront than you think.
- Faster site
- Faster development
- As easy as a theme

Cool brands you’ve probably heard of who are on Pack + Hydrogen

Yes, this campaign is definitely satire
Let’s bust top Hydrogen myths together—with evidence from top brands like yours.

Myth #1: Hydrogen is a passing fad (false)
Shopify’s top brands are all currently live on Hydrogen. Those brands don’t take tech decisions lightly. Hydrogen is taking off big-time, and is here to stay.
FashionNova: Live Sept '24
Tom's shoes: Live Oct '24
Tecovas: Live Dec '23
Myth #2: Hydrogen is only for enterprise brands and large tech teams (false)
Most brands only need an agency or one part-time development resource to use Hydrogen successfully. If any of these apply to you, it's time to go with Hydrogen:
You're scaling your product catalog like crazy
You're buried in expensive apps
You're struggling to improve site performance
You're considering a site redesign or a custom theme
Myth #3: It takes FOREVER to get a Hydrogen store spun up (false)
With the right stack + support, a new Hydrogen storefront can be fully migrated in 2-3 months, even with only a single developer. Here are some examples:
Umzu: 3 months, 1 developer
Rhoback: 3 months, 1 developer
Atoms: 1.5 months, 1 developer
Myth #4: Hydrogen tech is a NIGHTMARE to manage (not if you go with Pack)
Hydrogen doesn’t come with an easy way to manage content out-of-the-box, so you need a content management system (CMS). Most of them are overkill, except Pack. Pack's platform is:
Super easy to learn and manage—just like a Shopify theme
Doesn't require heavy dev involvement
Focused on your website + Shopify apps and integrations.
Keeps you plugged in to the Shopify ecosystem
Comes w/ A/B testing and built-in features so you can reduce apps.